When you turn up at a small site in rural France after a long drive to the sun, the last thing that you want is to realize that you need a Euro mains hook up adapter to power up you motorhome or campervan.
Why You Need A Euro Mains Hook Up Adapter
Although most sites will operate with the standard blue 3 pin plug that you have for the UK, some run the normal French “household” style sockets & it is this plug that you need. These plugs are not the same as the 3 square pin plugs that are used in all UK houses. They are round plugs with two round pins & a round hole to take the earth pin.
What you need is an adapter that plugs into your standard blue camping plug & also into the french socket.
How Much ?
This is a cheap but necessary accessory that everyone should carry in their motorhome or camper if you are touring in Europe.
Adapters are readily available online & you should only expect to pay less than a tenner for one.
Euro Mains Hook UP cable – NCC Compliant * IP44 Rated

This quality, heavy duty 2.5 mm2 mains 220v power cable Euro adapter, is fitted with Blue 3 pin socket & a 2 pin plug that are the standand in Europe.
Being a 100 % triple core 2.5mm2 copper cable
it can easily cope drawing a large current when running multiple appliances with the maximum 16 amps available at camping sites.
This power lead can be left connected for an unlimited ammount of time & in any weather, making it excellent for motorhomes & caravans that that remain on a pitch for extended periods.
Always make sure that you are using a proper, quality Electric Hook Up Cable. Check this link – Which Electric Hook Up Cable Do I Need
Top Tip For Mains Power Cables
Always uncoil the supply cable fully to avoid it overheating, especially when drawing a large current, as in when you have multiple appliances in use, & in hot climates.
You might very well find that the power supply is only around 10 amps & can be as low as 6 amps.
This is enough power to run your battery charging system to keep your leisure batteries fully charged up, BUT it will not be able to cope with 220 volt appliances that draw a lot of power.
So think about how you are going to use them. Obviously do NOT plug in a kettle & hair dryer at the same time as running a small fan heater, as you will trip the breaker inthe supply box.
UK Mains Hook Up Adapter
There are also adapters with the standard UK plug. these are especially useful to power up your motorhome or campervan when on your drive at home as you can use any availble socket in your garage or house. A great way to keep your batteries charged up, when your motorhome is not being used.
Although you might have a solar panel charging kit fitted on your motorhome, with extended days of no sun & especially in the middle of winter when the sun is at its weakest & low in the sky, your batteries will still require a boost of charge to keep them in tip top condition.
It is also very handy to have the 240 volt sockets working in the motorhome if you need to do any maintenance work requiring the use of power tools.
- Fitted with a 3 pin UK plug BS1363-1
- 230V caravan mains hook up adaptor enables your caravan to be connected to mains power via a domestic 3 pin socket
- 16 amp Splash-proof connector conforming to IEC60309-2
- Approx. 26cm of 3 core orange 230V mains cable
- Meets: IEC60309-2.
Safety is Top Priority
Remember that camping on site using a 230V electricity supply within caravans, motorhomes and tents requires even more care than in the home. As your unit is mobile there is a greater chance of things going wrong with an electrical installation, than you would expect with the fixed installation within your house. It is important that you make sure your cables and equipment are maintained in good condition by simple checks every time you use them and also by using them in a sensible way. Have cables & appliances checked by a qualified electrician, if you are at all concerned about their condition.